Homecoming '98 Yearbook- The Zentrum at Spartanburg, South Carolina Find your car
Numbered Homecoming Picture(Or see who has already been found)

~ Then tell the story!
Run your mouse over your car and click on it when you find a link. Be careful- check the cars around you to make sure it's the number assigned to your car. Numbers are usually on the hood, unless that is not possible, then it's on some painted surface. I only marked windshields when no other part of the car was visible. The picture is pretty huge (1.5 MGS) so it will take a few to download. Then fill in the numbered email for your car and (always start with the details, model, color, options) tell your story, or link to a page about your car (you can get one by registering at Z3 World), which convoy you were in, or just give the details, whatever you like.
Click here to play Homecoming Picture Online Road Rallye
Click here for the Personal Car Pages
Click here to let me know if you find your car but it has no number or two numbers or a duplicate number....
Click here if your car is Invisible (see explanation)
thanks to 250 Howard Katz for the use of his photo
have cruised to the Zentrum since December 21, 1998

The Internet Z3 Club
a BMW Car Club Of America
Special Interest Group

To Order your photo:

crabtree@labs.net -or write- Crabtree Photographics Box 1452 Morgantown, WV 26507 (304)296-6050 Picture taken by Jay Best for Crabtree Photo Copyright 1998 Crabtree

Caranostra Message Board for Z3 lovers
Z3 drives
059 Michael & Sheila Ford's The Z3 Drives Page
Esmerelda's Page
039 Rachel's
Page for Esmerelda
Z3 World
131 Vince Parsons
Z3 World Registry
026 Robert Leidy's MZ3.net
073 Bruce Heersink
Wizzard's Page
072 Kevin 'wizzard' Keniston's Homecoming 98

all material on these pages is copyrighted