I had (get this) NOTHING done to my car.
But now I have a list of what I'm going to do on my car.
I had a great time, meet great people, and had a Beer.
Please add me to next years Fixit day mailing list.
Thanks For all your hard work.
More info about Fixit day can be found here:

Rich led the Convoy from New York to Fixit Day, Thanks Rich!
Thanks for the pictures.
Thanks for leading me back home. Organizing Fixit day and the Free beer.
Thanks for leading the convoy to Fixit day at 80 MPH
and not telling us till later that you used a $50 refurbished radar detector
that you have gotten speeding tickets with before. HEHEHEHE
There is an Exit 52 on I-78.
We just wanted to see how fast your car would go to catch up to us.
Because of you I am now thinking about getting a Hardtop on my car.
I think I'll send you the bill.
They say that the only thing that Z3 owners have in common are there cars,
well that's not true. They are also some of the nicest and friendliest people
I have ever had a chance to meet. I hope to see everyone in the
summer months to come and at Home Coming 2001.
Thank you all and drive safe.
Home of the North East Convoy
 RichNYC's Strong Strut With Holes
