RichC's Set Up

The wire runs down under the center console to emerge in the little cup where I just leave my mini-stereo jack when I'm not using it. I just plug the iRiver MP3 into the plug, set the TP to CD Changer and play. It's very much like using the AUX. In retrospect, I wish I had used the AUX inputs because there's a restriction -- I cannot switch between a CD playing in the head and the MP3 (This apparently is also a problem with the CD jukebox interface). You need to remove the audio CD or have the nav CD in there.
This shows where I tapped into the wiring harness. Basically, I stripped back the wires which were being used as audio input from the CD (Sorry, I don't remember which colors they are).
This is the interface unit I used to use to hook up to my Pioneer CD changer. Unfortunately, there is some confusion between the TP's reverse-engineered version of iBus and the PILA's (undoubtedly) reverse engineered version of iBus. The net-net is that it does not work <<sigh.>>> (to it's credit, BMWPILA indicates that it will not work with radios with Nav, but I thought that was just the "real BMW" radios