Homecoming 2000 Survivor Shag ![]() Big download ~ 19.6mgs mpeg The Hilton was excellent. I went around the parking lot Shagging all the cars I knew. KathyM, Nathan Fong/Fogg, Teachum... My first good night's sleep. I think we went to bed around 3am. No I guess it was 230am, but that is when I found MW and Carter had just gotten back from Kingsport- on a mission to retrieve BimmerSteven. At 830am a very chipper Teachum delivered my Midwest Z shirts. I was sleeping in my "I'm Dragon Trash" t shirt. Everyone who was awake trekked off to the Dragon with Teachum... I went back to bed. MMMMmmmmmm yummy Hilton Knoxville. I was just heading out on my first trip to the car when JohnB pulled up with Robert and Bryan and DougP, the Old Codger and a couple more Nashville partiers. MW was in the lot. Robert's convertible top was being held together by duct tape. His only complaint was that it wasn't silver duct tape. A little traditional munching at Wendy's, gassing up... and then, final exams... following JohnB and Bryan down the Dragon. I always learn more following these guys down the Dragon than I learn in Driving School. At Deal's Gap again, we caught up with another group, I met my first Z3 Girls, Kelly and Sandi (cough up the pics and text!), and just missed meeting Southern Cinderella. Todd from BMW was there too and we Dragged him with us. We took the quick and dirty route to Spartanburg, had a moment where DougP "racheled" Bryan's car... I won't say more on that. Then, quicker than I cared to be done driving, we were at the Marriott. Now, for a HC where I planned *only* to hang out with my buds, the pace became fast and furious. There was Fred Meloan taking pictures at the front door, Steve and Anne Borsse ready to party, everyone looking for the Northeast Convoy, no carts to be had, people helping me carry my crap to my room, party in the reception room, Shagging everyone I could find, meeting new friends, more partying in the reception room, Al and Ron in the lobby (Al's car looking perfect, Al's wife rerouted overnight :( ) toys displayed all over, JonM being dragged to everyone's car (can you cover this? What color leather? Can I have it NOW?) Brent and Connie, Tim UK and Irene, the man responsible for JonT and my rare dotted armrests (he cut the dots out of his seats to replace with velour), Amy Lester at the desk, everywhere you looked more friends, newbies and cars coming in, eating drinking laughing running out to the cars to see mods.... and someone came up to me and said "You won!" I won? Oh man! I won a spot in the front of the panoramic pic!!!! So did Bryan! That means 2 Boston Green 97 2.8's front and center in the Y2K panoramic pic! FAR OUT! Stayley- wherever you are, I still have your Shag Mag, email me and I will snail mail it to you OK? Met NY Z3ers left and right. The plan was to meet at SoBe's for dinner, but I never made it out of my room. I can't even remember where I ended up Thursday night. Oh right, my room was screwed up. It had the stench of Winchester mildew and I couldn't take it another instant. I ended up sleeping there that night and changing rooms the next day. I truly can not remember what else happened Thursday night. |
3 Shag Survivor Pages Part 1 ~~ Part 2 ~~ Part 3 ~~ Part 4 ~~ Part 5 ~~ Part 6 ~~ |