Blackout 2003
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This is Saturday's paper- too funny the 3 "Z"s. Is it part of the Z3 conspiracy?
630pm-Styvesant town, the next complex over, has apparently gone begging for water. We always thought being next door to ConEd meant we'd be the first to have power and the last to lose it. Surprise. And I didn't think about losing water in the apartment. Now I understand the water gets pumped up to water towers and then comes down with gravity. I don't even remember our building having a water tower. I can see them on top of the other buildings like Petticoat Junction.
No matter what, in a couple hours the food will all be bad, I'm hot and gross, the water I have can't last forever. I am glad I ate last night. Everything in the fridge is spoiled, only possibly the food in the freezer is OK. One toilet wont flush, the other i am saving, hoping it will work if i need to flush it. The floor is actually cool. I worry about Freddie. Is he drinking water? He's just a kitten only a alive a few weeks, no habits of drinking. He's been spoiled by his fountain, turning up his nose at a dish of water. I trick him into drinking be putting his toy in the water- he laps up the water trying to get to the toy.
I brushed my teeth with mouthwash.
The Con Ed people, the mayor, no one is making ANY commitment about when the power will be back on. Zero news. I am using up old alkaline batteries some of which have power well past their expiry date- June 1996.
This now officially sucks.
I wish there was something good to listen to on the radio- but i don't even try to find it. I wish there was a storytelling channel. I wonder if CNN and those types are covering this.
I start getting serious about bailing out. Can I get my car out of the garage? I haven't called the front desk or the garage, figuring they had enough emergencies to deal with. The radio and the mayor are saying that some "affected areas" wont have power by the end of the weekend, they said that 85% of the city is back online- that's BULL! I am now getting scared. I'm glad I had practiced exiting using the stairs before, I wonder if they will be dark. Leaving's a one shot deal, because I have to bring the cat and our gear with us if we go, or else face carrying it all back up 15 flights of stairs, if we can't.
I call the garage- no problem! They have been open all the time, I can wait until it's dark and cool and get outta town.
7pm- I opened the freezer- plenty of ice still there! That food is still good! (As long as there are ice crystals.) Moved back into the living room. I see a guy on the roof across the street and we shout out a chat, he's stranded about 13 floors up, looking down at the party and the ping pong table set up on the street.

I call my friend Dean, I get his voicemail because he doesn't have a phone that works without AC power. He gets the message from his housemate's phone and calls me back. He has no food stored but his pets are OK. He had to walk 114 blocks from the West side and up 21 flights of stairs to get home, he's ticked off.
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