True enough, there are spots on 97 that are pretty awesome, you can see a ribbon of road several hills and turns ahead, plan your moves and go-
Jon Trudel

We spread out on the expanse, sometimes against our will as there is only two lanes and not much else in the way of passing zones or places to pull over.
Jon Trudel

I was leading- with either a 2.3 or a 1.9 up my butt most of the time.

At the end of 97/17 we pulled over to wait for the rest to make the turn and zoomed off again.

John & Darlene Moran

Part 1, ~~ PART 2, ~~ YOU ARE HERE, ~~ Part 4, ~~ Part 5, ~~
Part 6, ~~ Part 7, ~~ Part 8, ~~ Part 9, ~~

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